If you can't read the words on this website, please go to Internet Explorer View menu; Encoding; select Unicode (UTF-8) or Chinese Simplified (18030). With this, you should be able to view this webpage then. :) 刘老师部落格 (6/6华文班): 七月 2006

星期一, 七月 31, 2006

七夕节 (农历七月初七)

  七夕节,源自于一个美丽的爱情传说,这是中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日。面对夜空,古往今来有多少人带者对美好爱情的渴望,憧憬着自己的未来。又有多少文人墨客借着传说抒发人间的真情。 现如今自从西方的情人节传入中国后, 又有多少人还记得自己这个传统的浪漫节日呢?其实,七夕原本就是中国人的情人节。

  相传在很早以前,南阳城西牛家庄里有个聪明、忠厚的小伙子,父母早亡,只好跟着哥哥嫂子度日,嫂子马氏为人狠毒,经常虐待他,逼他干很多的活,一年秋天,嫂子逼他去放牛,给他九头牛,却让他等有了十头牛时才能回家,牛郎无奈只好赶着牛出了村。... (想接着看下去吗?请点击此连接 http://www.huaxia.com/zt/whbl/2004-73.html )

七夕 (唐)徐凝

星期四, 七月 20, 2006

“舍己为人”-- 殷雪梅老师

  同学们好。我把我们今天在课堂上所讨论的有关殷雪梅老师的“舍己为人”的事迹挂上该网站。你们可以更详细地了解殷雪梅老师的“舍己为人”的故事。同时,你们还可以继续进行辩论。你只须要点击右下角的 comments,然后输入您的意见就可以了。






星期二, 七月 18, 2006

P5 5/4 T3W4 单元5.3 习字

单元5.3 《船儿的救星》习字
  1. 瘦削
  2. 航行
  3. 猛兽
  4. 破损
  5. 移动
  6. 以致
  7. 默默
  8. 牺牲


星期一, 七月 17, 2006

新书介绍 《大长今》

书名:《大长今》上、下 (两册)
出版社:EPB Pan Pacific


  1. 有精美的插图...

  1. 长今在童年的时候为什么不能上学?那么她是怎样学习的呢?
  2. 云白大夫怎样教授长今学习医学知识和治病本领的?她又怎样进入内医院?
  3. 在长今眼里,医女世界不存在品级、身份和地位,只有真诚地为病人治病。她以这种精神,用什么方法成功地控制了瘟疫?

  老师说了这么多... 同学们可以在学校图书馆重新开放后,赶快去借,以免向隅哦。:)

星期日, 七月 16, 2006

5万小五生 提早为新加坡庆生 NE Show 15/7/2006




星期五, 七月 14, 2006

2006年 第二学期 第三学段 五年级听写 (2006 Semester2 Term3 P5 Spelling List)

你可以点击此连接,下载以上所述。You may click on this hyperlink to download the P5 Spelling List.

If you can't read the words on this website...

If you can't read the words on this website, please go to

Internet Explorer View menu;


select Unicode (UTF-8) or Chinese Simplified (18030).

With this, you should be able to view this webpage then. :)


星期四, 七月 06, 2006

如何用 Windows XP IME 来输入中文?

你们难道不觉得有时很难理解吗? :) 你们为什么不尝试直接输入中文字呢?

因此,我向大家介绍Microsoft的Windows XP IME Chinese Input software。最重要的是,该软件是免费的(Free of Charge)。

Use the Microsoft Global IME for Office XP (Simplified Chinese) to input Simplified Chinese text into your documents, worksheets, presentations, mail messages, publications, and Web pages. After you have installed the Global IME, you just start your Office XP program, select Simplified Chinese from the Language bar, and you can type Simplified Chinese, regardless of the language version of Office XP or the operating system you are using.

Windows XP
1) Go to Control Panel (Click ‘Start’,then highlight Control Panel)
2) Select and double click‘Regional and Language option’
3) Select ‘Languages’,under ‘Text services and input language’, double click ‘details’
4) Click on ‘Add’under ‘Installed services’
5) Under ‘Input Language’select‘Chinese(Singapore)’or ‘Chinese(PRC)’
6) Click ‘OK’, ‘Apply’then ‘OK’
7) You may begin using the Chinese input by selected ‘CH’in the language bar or by using hot keys ‘Control + space’.

Links to download installers for Chinese Input:
• ime xp:
same as for above. it's the default ime that comes with windows xp.(which can be activated through your regional and language settings)

• ime 2003:

星期二, 七月 04, 2006

P5 5/4 第三学段的华文补习 T3 Chinese Remedial Lesson



P5 5/4 T3W2 单元5.2 习字

单元5.2 《我们的恩人》习字
  1. 恩人
  2. 任职
  3. 解释
  4. 功用
  5. 符合
  6. 卫生
  7. 宣布
  8. 收入
  9. 罢了
  10. 补贴
  11. 不妨
  12. 大概
  13. 省吃俭用
  14. 报答
  15. 忘恩负义


MOE ExCEL Fest 2006 7-8 July

7 Jul 06 (For MOE Staff only) &
8 Jul 06 (For public)

请到该网址去注册 http://www.moe.gov.sg/excelfest/2006/ ,或播电68795970。

特别推荐我们学校的刘恩铭老师的教学示范(course code: YPS304; at Yumin Primary School)
Learn and experience first-hand how teachers use a multitude of approaches and activities to engage students in the learning process. In the teaching of languages for example, one school in the east used drama to stimulate students’ imagination to enable them to better express their thoughts and feelings in writing (course code: YPS304).

(Session is delivered in Chinese Language) This lesson engages students in a composition writing lesson through drama. Drama is a key to help open up the stduents' world of imagination as it provides opportunities for students to observe and view things that they would not usually see and suits the pupils’ active nature. It also encourages students to express their thoughts. With appropriate music accompaniment, lightings and teacher’s guidance, drama also taps on various aspects of the pupils’ multiple intelligences (MIs). It helps to engage and guide them to write more creatively, even on topics which they do not usually encounter or deal with.

星期日, 七月 02, 2006

P5 5/4 T3W1 单元5.1 习字

单元5.1 《鸽子医生》习字

  1. 药方
  2. 距离
  3. 任务
  4. 病危
  5. 似的
  6. 迅速
  7. 恶作剧
  8. 击中
  9. 惨叫
  10. 歪歪斜斜
  11. 稳定
  12. 性命
  13. 拼命
  14. 坚持
  15. 断气
  16. 舍己为人
  17. 敬佩

单元5.1 习字 段落7 “鸽子春风这种舍己为人的精神,是不是值得大家敬佩呢?”
